You would have heard a sex myth at one point of time or other. It could have been an old wives’ tale or something off the net, from a dumb friend and believe it or not, for some, from a parent who gave you a twisted version of the ‘birds and bees.’ Some myths are just plain mind boggling and funny while some can result in some very serious consequences. I bring you the top ten sex myths that in my opinion need to be busted wide open.
You can’t get pregnant during sex if the guy practises the ‘withdrawal’ (coitus interruptus) method
Nah ah! There is totally a chance that you can. When a guy is aroused or engaging in any sexual activity, pre-ejaculatory fluid (pre-come) is released constantly. Although, not nearly as much as the amount released during ejaculation, this fluid contains- sperm! His swimmers are still very much effective. Unless, you are married and planning a pregnancy, I suggest you don’t take chances.
You can't get STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) or STIs (sexually transmitted infections) from giving or receiving oral sex.
This is one of the most dangerous myths in existence. Any exposure to genitalia or body fluids puts you at risk in catching an STD. There are many STDs that can be transmitted through oral sex, including genital herpes, genital warts (HPV), Gonorrhoea, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, Chlamydia, Canchroids, syphilis, internal parasite (Amebiasis), and rarely, but possibly HIV. You are safe, if both of you are in a monogamous physical relationship and do not share objects that come into contact with bodily fluids with others.
You can’t get pregnant, if you douche right after sex.
Firstly, it is not advisable to douche under any circumstances- it cleans out the vaginal fluids that protect against bacteria and germs. As for doing it after sex, it will just push the sperm further up into the cervix. Besides, by the time you get to the bathroom, millions of those tiny fellas would have made it in.
Men want sex more than women
Riiiiight…..Oh come on! This is more the fault of our mental perception than the truth. Sure, men of course, do want sex- but so do women. It is not always the men who propose sex; women too, do show their need for some action. For example, waiting in sexy little, barely there thingies, when their husbands return from work or sending raunchy messages when their partners are away. It is just that women, use more subtle and indirect ways to show that they want it.
Men think about sex every 7 seconds
If so, the world will be filled with perpetually horny men. No job will get done and the world will be one chaotic globe of explosive testosterone. Men do think about sex, a lot, but every seven seconds? Give them more credit; they say a woman’s mind is best left unexplored but so is a guy’s. They do have a lot on their mind too- work, money, emotions, family and so much more. It is said guys think with their heads (penises) but they can be pretty level headed too.
Women hate porn and dirty sex
That’s some bull****! We do think porn is lame, disrespectful, tasteless and very fake. But watching just 15 minutes of ‘Girls Gone Wild’ can get most women hot and heavy. Many girly sleepovers may involve a dirty porno movie but women just never want the guys to know. We may carry the same goods but show us a naked female form and we will still ogle. As for dirty sex, not all women want sweet, loving and cuddly sex. Raunchy, dirty and naughty sex brings out the most innate of fantasies for many.
You shouldn’t have sex when having your period
On the contrary, many women feel more turned on during that time of the month. Hormones are all over the place, so many just want to have sex. Probably, the only downside to it is the hygiene factor- there is a lot of bacteria involved. I personally find it effective having sex that time of the month; there is an increase in period flow which clears the toxins and decreases water retention. Ultimately, it really boils down to the comfort level of both parties.
Men will sleep with anyone and anything that has boobs and an ass
This was probably made up by a scorned and jilted feminist and is a very stereotypical statement. There are tons of men, who look at their partners only, as sex objects but at every other woman just as human beings co-existing with us.
Men who cheat on their partners don’t love them
This one’s tricky. Men can differentiate love from sex; an inborn ability that unfortunately, women rarely have. They can sleep with another woman but will still be very much in love with their wives and girlfriends. It just means that they have no respect for their partners or the commitment made and really reflects on their morals. Of course, this is situational- many lose love for their women so they cheat.
Having sex when pregnant will harm the baby
Nope. Not true. This is an old wives’ tale. It is really all about the comfort level. Pregnant women have raging and unpredictable hormones. Many do want to have sex. It is just the bulging tummy that makes you feel un-sexy and getting into a comfortable position poses a challenge. Doctors do advise some pregnant women to have sex in the third trimester as it will lead to a comfortable child birth and if you are past your due date, one of the options doctors do give is sex to induce labour. Of course, no one knows better than your gynaecologist and it is always good to get a medical opinion.
5 days ago
1 comment:
Interesting facts! Who knew? :)
Very cool blog!
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